Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Finally finished with project 1 in my cs class. I was ready to die. Stupid spreadsheet.
But yeah. I've been pretty busy as of late. It's quite depressing. I don't have time to do anything else except program. This is what happens when I take such a hard class in summer school. Eh. Not much I can do about it now. Everyone else is dropping (or has already dropped) and I'm kind of upset because there's not going to be too many people for me to partner with on homework, projects, and whatnot. I'm not about to drop the class since I don't believe in quitting... so yeah.
I'm not too amused with the weather lately. Is it hot or is it cold? C'mon! I have class in the morning AND in the afternoon. I don't want to have to change clothes because it gets hot later. And then it gets all cold and I have to change back.
I know I'm being whiny... but it's my BLOG. So there.

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