Tuesday, June 09, 2009

After writing my latest entry about the perfect moment of waking up with somebody, it soon became clear that it would become the theme of the week. It seems as though I have been coming across plenty of things to support my view on this.

First of all, thank you to Cindy for sending me the link to this image:

Looking For Alaska

My favorite line is "...if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane." My take on this is that when you fall in love with somebody, it falls in one of two categories: you love him/her because you love the way he/she makes you feel about yourself OR you love him/her because he/she makes you want to be a better person. Hopefully, it is the latter case. There is something about that person that blows your mind, makes you see the world from a different perspective, evokes admiration and respect for everything he/she is and even everything he/she isn't. It's not about putting someone on a pedestal, it's about seeing someone in his/her entirety, strengths and flaws, and having a passion, deep down to your core, to be a better person to match.

And then I saw another blog posting by Le Love:

"We are just friends. Several times now, I have fallen asleep intertwined with you. Cheek to cheek, even lip to lip--just feeling your breath on my skin. We go no further. Today we went for a walk after a summer pour, and I could feel the warm steam rising from the streets. Now tonight, I sleep alone. It's probably healthy because when I'm tangled up with you I can hardly sleep at all. I spend the whole night on fire, quietly smoldering most of the time. Except when you pull me closer and rub your soft scruffle up and down my neck and chest. Or when you grab me by the hip bone and sink your thumbs into my flesh, sending electric chills up and down my body. Or when you pull me into you, sliding your fingers down my spine until they press the small of my back (chills, again). Or when your lips find the back of my neck and you mumble about how good I smell. Those are the times that the smoldering gives way to a blazing flare and all I can do is hope for a nap the next day.

But not tonight. You're there and I'm here. I could never tell you this, but every night your body isn't pressed against mine, I have to pack pillows around myself just to fall asleep. But we are just friends, and I'm sure you sleep fine without me." - A

When it gets to the point when a person expresses such words of desire to just hold somebody (or be held), it moves beyond just a mere physical, or even an emotional, connection. It's a longing to feel a place of belonging, to know that you are wanted and needed, to find mutual security with someone; the closest word I can think of is intimacy, although even that fails to convey the passion.

When you're in love:

You want to be near him regardless of what either of you are doing.
Little things remind you of him.
He is the first thing on your mind when you wake.
You think he is the most amazing person you have had the privilege to know.
You want him to be happy, with or without you. And you truly mean it.

The last statement is the most difficult to swallow because it directly conflicts with the first. There are many hardships associated to unrequited love, but it is my belief that you become a stronger person because of it; you have had the profound privilege to have found one person in the world who makes you understand yourself and life more clearly while truly finding a reason to be unselfish.

I leave you with a beautiful song and video: Framing Hanley - Alone in This Bed.

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