Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Sometimes, it just hurts so much that it's beyond tears. Sometimes, the love is so true that you stand up strong when all you want to do is crumble because you know they want you to be okay. Sometimes, you're willing to let go because you know it's TRUE. Sometimes... THEY ARE TRUE. Love is there for giving... and in this case, it is better to give than receive. Although it hurts now, the pain will eventually subside. If you really love someone, you'll want them to be happy, even if it's not with you.
People keep asking me, "You love him? Well... are you so sure? Do you really know what love is? What is it, then?"
Love is about opening your heart to someone else, even if you've been hurt before. Love is about one soul in two bodies. Love is about giving it your all, even if you're afraid of getting hurt. Love is finding your better half. Love is not about being with someone you can live with.... but about being with someone you can't live without. Love is about being happy just to know he is, even if he isn't with you anymore.
I strongly believe that you can never "fall out of love" with someone that you truly love. I also strongly believe that things happen for a reason. We all choose to take a certain path. When we get to a crossroad, we have to decide which way to go. You might decide to go separate ways from someone else... but if it was meant to be, those roads will cross again. I believe that THERE is happiness, but there's a lot of pain on the way. But on that journey to happiness, you'll learn truly what it means to be happy. And when you reach that destination and find someone to walk with forever, then you'll appreciate it even more.
I'm a true believer in love because I'm such a hopeless romantic... I wouldn't have it any other way.

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